Additionally, different types of racism such as cultural racism and differential racism emerged during the s in Britain and France. Räthzel states that according to Martin Baker (), racism in Britain was based on cultures which were unassimilable and different, and for this reason, it was called cultural racism Topic 1: Increasing travels between countries enable people to learn different cultures or to increase tension between people from different countries? (IELTS Essay example) Globalisation is a catch-all term that refers to any activity that involves more than one country, for example, travel from one country to another. The dramatic increase in transnational travel in recent Nov 05, · Cross-Cultural Differences. Communication is imperfect due to culture-specific differences. The reasons are distinctions in language, behavior, etiquette, non-verbal signals, etc. One of the most apparent differences is a linguistic one. People from different countries might face language barriers
What Are the Benefits of Understanding Different Cultures? -
Paper Types, essay different cultures. This Research Paper was written by one of our professional writers. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for essay different cultures own work. Culture can be referred to as intellectual and artistic practices, such as literature, drama, essay different cultures, and art, as well as referred to as a societal beliefs, traditions and practices. Human behavior has been studied in various aspects and across different cultures, as well as compared between cultures. Through scientific studies, it has been shown that human behavior is directly linked to culture. Alesina et al. One specific topic that is continually researched is the differences in gender roles between cultures.
Since the United States of America contains multiple different cultures, this is an important topic to dissect in order to help establish female roles in our school system, as well as our society. Gender identification and relations are important factors in a culture as they are shaped by a culture. Gender essay different cultures are shaped through the daily rituals that are lived by families and communities, as well as the workplace. Gender can also be compared to ethnicity because gender roles function on the cultural aspects applied to being either a male or female. The clearest example can be described through the division of labor given to male and females.
Results from Egypt indicated a The current paper, essay different cultures, therefore, describes the difference in gender roles of women as a result of human behavior in Caucasian American society and Egyptian society. In Egypt, the society is characterized by distinct roles in regard to gender. For instance, Egyptian males are referred to as the authoritarian leaders over women. The male gender is in charge of fertility matters and emotional attachment to the spouse and children. In addition, the women are raised to be submissive to their spouse. The result of essay different cultures role of gender for women in Egyptian society can be described through adolescent development. Adolescent behavior in Egypt is characterized by little rebellion or social context away from the parents in comparison to Western societies.
Furthermore, it has been found that adolescent Egyptians stay closer to home instead of trying to become independent. Males and females also experience this time in their life differently because female adult roles and male adult roles in Egyptian society are completely opposite. Adolescent males spend their adolescent years creating social networks and how to become an independent adult. Whereas, adolescent girls begin to undergo a halt in their independence as they enjoyed during their childhood. Adolescent girls are forced to remove themselves from social events, friends, etc. Mensch, For instance, as Egyptian children begin to increase in age, a difference in activities is seen between boys and girls.
Boys are found conducting activities outside of the home and within the community; whereas, the girls essay different cultures found in the household and not allowed to conduct activities outside of the home. Schooling is the only activity in which girls are allowed to attend; however, the school year in Egypt is shorter in length compared to other areas. When school is over, girls developing out of the adolescent years are retracted from free time, essay different cultures. Mensch, Education is said to be a predictor of subsequent behavior, as well as an indicator of gender bias in cultures.
In Egypt, school enrollment for boys is almost mandatory within households; however, essay different cultures, girls are a huge disadvantage. Why do women even attend school in Egypt? The psychological reasoning in the culture comes from beliefs that the girls will obtain more social awareness and social practice, in addition to the increased probability of finding a good mate; whereas, the boys are believed to obtain the right education for the workforce. This clearly indicates a gender bias between girls and boys in Egypt, thereby illustrating the behavioral differences that are shaping the Egyptian culture, essay different cultures.
In regard to work, working Egyptian women is extremely low. Assad et al. Any type of decrease in economy results in the loss of women jobs, essay different cultures. In addition, women who obtain a job and get married are expected to quit in order starting having children. The laws and regulations regarding maternity leave and working hours are not meaningful to working mothers in Egypt and are at high cost to the employer. Historic American culture had clear defined gender identities and roles between males and females.
The traditional roles were obtained through immigrants settling from European countries. The husband was provided with the breadwinner role and the wife as the caregiver. These roles were the basics of life and it was initially unheard of women entering the workforce, voting, going to college, and obtaining a job; however, the United States has proven to provide individuals with equal rights with the rise in Feminism during the 19 th century. Hawke, The United States has proven to have an increase in the education department with women entering college and using their education to obtain employment; however. There are still issues for women who do enter the workforce, such as limited maternity leave benefits and childcare. The same issues in which face working Egyptian women.
World Economic Forum, Previous studies have shown that there remains a gender gap in multiple countries worldwide, not just in Egypt. According to the World Economic Forum, there are five areas that have helped countries reach equality between men and women. These areas are as follows: economic participation, economic opportunity, essay different cultures, educational attainment, health and well-being, and political empowerment. Over 50 countries were analyzed with multiple countries decreasing the gap between genders, particularly in the Nordic countries, such as Sweden. Some countries, such as France, Germany and the United Kingdom have out-competed the United States in decreasing the gender gap.
World Economic Forum, It can therefore be expressed that more and more countries have been aware of the benefits of the equality for women through the increase in economic and political status. With such positive outcomes and increase in participation in women rights and equality in other countries, it is hard to believe that traditions and behavior with inequality towards women exists in countries such as Egypt. Gender equality is part of human social behavior and development, essay different cultures. It can be suggested that Egypt has yet essay different cultures the notion that allowing women the same rights and responsibilities as men, may increase their economic and political status. Instead, gender roles are solely based on whether someone is born male and female, with their role in society clearly written or established from birth on.
There are groups that help support the need for countries such as Egypt in changing their behavior and traditional gender roles. One program is known as the United Nations Development Fund for Women UNIFEM. The purpose of this group was to help countries mainstream genders and create equal opportunities for women and men. For instance, the goal of the program is to help develop policies, research, essay different cultures, and society norms for women. Although essay different cultures groups help change society norms, it is often difficult to change behavior in a household, essay different cultures.
World Economic Forum, In regard to Egyptian culture, the traditions and norms for these families essay different cultures to have the women essay different cultures in the home and not work. Part of the resistance of this culture for change could be religious aspects as well. Religion could take and huge part in their traditions and fear of abandoning their faith could take a major role in the lack of willingness to change society views of gender roles, essay different cultures. Equality in gender roles seems essay different cultures be a slow process.
The United States began with equality movements in the 19 th century and equality issues still exist. The main focus should be helping other cultures see the benefits that women could provide to their society with changes to their traditions and beliefs. Expanding knowledge to each individual in a society can help educate the other cultures and obtain new ideas that could not only decrease the gap in gender roles, but keep an open mind and an understanding between cultures. Alesina, Essay different cultures. Nunn, N, essay different cultures.
On the Origins of Gender Roles: Women and the Plough. Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Institute for the Study of Labor IZA Discussion Paper No, essay different cultures. Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit Institute for the Study of Labor IZA. Assaad, Ragui, Fatma El-Hamidi, and Akhter U. The Determinants of Employment Status in Egypt. Food Consumption and Nutrition Division Discussion Paper No. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute. Bhate, essay different cultures, R. A Cross-National Exploration of Gender Role Perspectives Findings from: The Generations of Talent Study.
Sloan Center of Aging and Work at Boston College. Quick Insights I. Hawke, Lucy A. Mensch, B. Gender-role Attitudes among Egyptian Adolescents. Studies in Family Planning. Canadian International Development Agency. World Economic Forum. Current Event Article: Teven J Heine 2nd Edition, Article Review Example. Sexual and Cognitive Essay different cultures, Essay Example. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right essay different cultures, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, essay different cultures, please check your e-mail. Thank you! You can receive the notifications now. It's pleasure to stay in touch!
Culture in Human Behavior - Free Essay Sample
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Within this research, I will ensure that there is an analysis of the different aspects that are applied in the naming process in these different cultures. Background of the Research Many studies have been conducted in a bid to understand the cultural and geographical differences that influence the naming process among different communities Topic 1: Increasing travels between countries enable people to learn different cultures or to increase tension between people from different countries? (IELTS Essay example) Globalisation is a catch-all term that refers to any activity that involves more than one country, for example, travel from one country to another. The dramatic increase in transnational travel in recent Writing essays, especially essays on culture is a very common way to learn and explore differences between nations, as different culture essays can provide invaluable insight into other people’s life. You can refer to our best culture essay
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