1 day ago · Summary of “Realism” by Colin Elman Essay. In this chapter, Colin Elman describes six different types of realism, which include classic realism, neorealism, structural realism, and neoclassical realism. The author presents the detailed explanation of differences between the above mentioned and also points out the causes and results of the Since Realism theory has been emerged for a long time, many elements of Realism theory have been developed. Thus, we need to know those elements so that we can have a clear picture of Realism theory. In this part, five crucial elements of Realism theory, which are classical realism, neo-classical realism, strategic realism, structural realism or neo-realism, and stability Apr 28, · Realism provides an individual with not only focus but a definite guide on how to deal with things in achieving one’s goals. The reason behind this is basically due to the fact that man by nature would always want an assurance or guarantee that he can be successful in his undertakings, whether it is from choosing a course or opening a certain business
Essay on Realism
But for some reason, the modern times has shown lots of ironic situations which prove realism essay man cannot simply go on with life with just a diploma, realism essay. This is where the question of reality and education come into play. The study of realism in education is very suitable especially since the present times demand for people who are capable of adjusting to changes now that traditions are slowly being taken over by realism essay ideas. But whether being realistic is the absolute approach to happiness is yet another point to consider, realism essay. The succeeding sections will be discussing the main concept underlying the philosophy of realism particularly its relevance to the educational system.
An important background on its history realism essay contributors will be provided so as to well understand the purpose of this theory, after which a transition will be made to show how these principles will be applied to the modern-day set-up of the academe. The supporters of this philosophy strongly rely on truth supported by hard evidence. One example is energy which is undeniably all around the universe even without the interference of human beings as evidenced by the synchronized movement of the heavenly bodies Bansal 2. Socrates is a man. However, the school for Realism essay grammar was maintained on the third level, followed by university as the fourth.
This idea was however criticized as this made a derogatory impression that man is a mere dependent on the objects around him rather than as a much superior being. However, John Locke also advocated an almost similar hypothesis by comparing the mind to a blank sheet that only becomes filled until man is able to conceive something from his surroundings, realism essay. Another interesting development was during the nineteenth century under Herbart who was a philosopher, realism essay, educator, and a musician at the same time. Third is the association stage wherein comparison and contrast is attempted between new information and old information already contained in the apperceptive mass.
The fourth developmental period for was the American Realism which gave rise to two opposing groups referred to as the New Realists and the Critical Realists. Perhaps one modern philosopher to support this concept is contemporary realist John R. Lovejoy, James B. Pratt, etc. In other words, it persuades that the students be able to develop an objective mind so that when he steps out of the confines of the university, he would not be surprised to see that the corporate world does not really put into practice all the upright ideals which were taught to him in school. The Prospectus, realism essay. Realism presents different approach in preparing the curriculum depending on its area. Humanistic realism, realism essay, for instance, designed the study of classical literature in a way that students may acquire an in-depth understanding of the gist of the lessons and apply it to daily living.
It even promotes global knowledge through the study of modern languages as well as the way of life and institutions of nearby nations. The School Organization. Schools must exist independently of political and other selfish agenda. Their establishments must exist based on the need and quest for knowledge and they must always provide subjects related to science. They must also provide programs related to sex education because this is one reality that every adolescent must be able to deal with. Depriving students of proper knowledge regarding sexual responsibility can affect their adult life with issues like unwanted pregnancy. Teaching Techniques. According to this philosophy, students must be taught in a gradual manner.
They must first be provided with proper venue to get in touch with nature in order to enhance common sense and understand the natural flow of life surrounding them, realism essay. This wholesome experience will allow them to broaden their minds and to catch up with lessons properly by the time they are introduced to the rigid part of the lessons where technical words and structures are presented, realism essay. This will also be easier if local dialects are used in teaching the students as well as the use of repetition or followups in order to make sure that the student remembers the lessons Chaugule To provide a more concrete note for teachers, the examinations help them monitor student performance but they realism essay held responsible for whatever results these tests may show.
Almost similarly, the school body is provided higher funding by the government if their students perform well, otherwise low test results will cause these funds to lessen Realism-author unknown Being objective can bring convenience since one needs not look further in order to prove that something exists, realism essay. According to educator Dr, realism essay. Chaugule of the YCM Open University in Nashik, what if a student is not able to get ahead in academics due to some personal issues like family problems, identity crisis, illnesses, and other emotional and realism essay issues that need to be addressed through subjective approach Chaugule 7? This is even realism essay more difficult when there is fear of acceptance for the student if he is to reveal such personal issues, realism essay.
In fact some of their ideals realism essay almost in contradiction to the extremely objective principles of classical realists. Realism essay contributor is Roy Bhaskar who laid the foundation for Critical Realism. According to him, the knowledge of man is temporary and prone to errors and therefore the world is still subject to discoveries which will correct these realism essay. It is human actions that surpass the human mind because it is powerful enough to produce unimaginable consequences realism essay can affect the history and the future, realism essay. Although other realists do not agree with this almost ideal concept, for others it provides hope especially realism essay the supporters of special education who are given the extraordinary task of intervention for children realism essay disabilities Burnett realism essay. This is also affirmed by others who believe that the views of critical realism are very appropriate in responding to the demands of the ever-changing world which is constantly revolutionizing Huckle 1.
This is indeed a different approach from the objective views of conventional realism, but the argument of critical realism is deemed helpful in responding to the complicated issues that the world is facing. Case in point is the above mentioned heartbreaking case for special children, realism essay. Many families today are struggling with issues of children disabilities like autism, attention deficit disorders, etc. Traditional education is not able to address this and even modern medicine is not yet capable of finding a cure to the condition of these children. But the views of critical realism provides more possibilities that such conditions can be dealt with creating schools with environments in which these special kids can adapt and be given a chance to a normal life.
Sometimes people need to believe that there is an ultimate Being who is capable of sharing their everyday realism essay otherwise carrying this burden alone can either lead to failure of health or relationship conflicts Preston 2. It is definitely amazing that despite many criticisms and certain developments, Realism has managed to maintain its place since the time of Aristotle. As for the teachers of the yeartheories can be properly implemented only if they are well-oriented with the different characteristics of people, realism essay. In this way, realism essay, the students will not be hesitant realism essay give their confidence to the teacher when it comes to improving classroom activities.
It realism essay even better when a teacher is capable of radiating a certain balance which can guide students in dealing with their crisis which usually has something to do with discovering their true identities while on their way to adulthood but at the same time calm enough in guiding the students through realism essay harsh realities of life, realism essay. On a more formal classroom setup, realism essay teacher must always make constant followups to see if the students have been able to retain their lessons as well as its significance.
The students must not also be stressed by bombarding them with different information at the same time so subjects must be introduced gradually. The teacher must also understand realism essay students have realism essay levels of understanding and so he must be patient when a student needs a little more time in catching up with lessons. Also, Realism strongly discourages the practice of cramming which must be properly monitored since it violates self-discipline. Teachers are also called upon to be more straightforward as to let their students know immediately what kind of performance is required from them. These concepts are indeed very ideal and implementing it is certainly the dream of every educator. Students are known realism essay being stubborn especially when they have their peers to influence them, realism essay.
Good thing if they belong to groups who will encourage them to keep their lessons on track but in such age, they would seldom act in such a way. Fortunately despite encountering some difficulties along the way, certainly teachers have already developed ways to improve their approach in order implement the rest of the theories of realism in education. They only have to make a difference when it comes to commitment because only an inspiring teacher can be capable of making something out of even the most stubborn student, realism essay. This is the most interesting feature of Realism, realism essay. Although it has been started on a basically rigid and objective point of view, realism essay, it is able to consider the possibilities of changes that the modern world may bring.
Clearly, it is through the integration of knowledge that the goals of Realism can find its way through education, realism essay. The reason behind this is basically due to the fact that man by nature would always want an assurance or guarantee that he can be successful in his undertakings, whether it is from choosing a course or opening a certain business. With the absolute method applied by classic realism, realism essay, it almost becomes easy for people to rely on a structured, realism essay, step-by-step method in order to get to his goals and he can be assured of support from the people around him since his methods have been tried and tested through time, realism essay.
But success does not always entail personal fulfillment which comes when one is able to achieve something out of the ordinary. When one is open to change and possibilities, the world is provided with the gift of new knowledge as being explained by the supporters of critical realism, who makes it a point that man must not rely solely on what this world can provide him, but rather he must initiate in discovering the world around him, realism essay. Only then can he find genuine fulfillment and happiness which is perhaps the most important lesson of Realism. Works CitedBansal, S. Realism in Education, realism essay. Hopson, Teresa. Realism and Its Role in Education.
Cheyney University. Dolhenty, realism essay, Jonathan. What is Philosophical Realism. The Radical Academy. Chaugule, realism essay, S. Huckle, John, realism essay. Stovall, Preston, realism essay. Burnett, Nick, realism essay. Cubberley, Ellwood. I'm Edwin! Would you like to get a custom essay? How about receiving a customized one? order now. Related posts: Improving the Performance of Sss1 Students in Finding the Area of a Trapezium Through the Use of Relevant Teaching and Learning Materials Tlms in the Sunyani Secondary School Essay No Child Left Behind Thesis Essay What are the characteristics of successful kindergarten students in henry county schools?
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1 day ago · Summary of “Realism” by Colin Elman Essay. In this chapter, Colin Elman describes six different types of realism, which include classic realism, neorealism, structural realism, and neoclassical realism. The author presents the detailed explanation of differences between the above mentioned and also points out the causes and results of the Since Realism theory has been emerged for a long time, many elements of Realism theory have been developed. Thus, we need to know those elements so that we can have a clear picture of Realism theory. In this part, five crucial elements of Realism theory, which are classical realism, neo-classical realism, strategic realism, structural realism or neo-realism, and stability Apr 28, · Realism provides an individual with not only focus but a definite guide on how to deal with things in achieving one’s goals. The reason behind this is basically due to the fact that man by nature would always want an assurance or guarantee that he can be successful in his undertakings, whether it is from choosing a course or opening a certain business
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