May 10, · The weather is brisk in summer. In the early morning, you can hear the singing of different birds. For example: nightingale, warbler, cuckoo, starling, they sing in our garden, grandfather made a birdhouse for them. In summer, all the grass is green and fresh. There are a lot of insects in the summer Jul 23, · 10 Lines Essay on My Favourite Season ( - Words) 1) We have four seasons and I love the summer season. 2) Summer season is the hottest season that begins in March. 3) My birthday falls in summer that’s why I love this season. 4) Another thing that attracts me to this season is mangoes and Nov 11, · Nonetheless, I agree that my favourite season is summer and the three main reasons are that summer is a time to relax and enjoy yourself, the weather is seldom cold or rainy, and it is a great opportunity for families to travel. To start with, summer is a time when children get to take a long break from their strenuous year at school
Essay On My Favorite Season And Why - Free Essay And Term Paper - And Words Essay
The question of what is my favourite season is a difficult one to answer. Almost everyone will give a different response, for there are as many positive points to each of the four seasons as you can possibly imagine. Nonetheless, I agree that my favourite season is summer and the three main reasons are that summer is a time to relax and enjoy yourself, the weather is seldom cold or rainy, and it is a great opportunity for families to travel. To start with, summer is a time when children get to take a long break from their strenuous year at school. Summer is a time to relax and not have to worry about getting up at seven in the morning to prepare for school.
Many amusement parks are opened in the summer time, such as the Pacific National Exhibition PNEfor children to frolic and play in the sun. Nonetheless, summer is a great time for outdoor sports. Swimming is a popular activity and a great way to get some exercise over the holidays. My favourite thing to do when summer rolls by is to take my blanket and lay on the beach. The sound of crashing waves relaxes my mind. The summertime weather is very pleasant and the sun is usually shining. For two months, I can feel the suns warm rays on my skin. The warm weather brings many advantages. I can pig out and eat ice cream because it is warm enough to do so. Summer is also a time for excessive eating because there are two months to burn off all the spare weight, summer is my favorite season essay.
Along with the warm weather, summer also brings the joy of water fights. My family often travels to different countries during the summer break. It is the best time of year to travel because there is sufficient time to genuinely enjoy a new place. Summer is the longest of all the holidays so therefore, it is adequate for long travels. Summer is also a great time to travel because the air fare is cheap and there is usually more sites to see in the summer than in other seasons. Hence, summer is my favorite season essay, the question of what is my favourite subject is a difficult one to answer because almost everyone will come up with a different answer.
I agree that my favourite season is summer because it is a leisure summer is my favorite season essay, the weather is great, and it gives me the chance to get out of the city. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. My Favourite Season Essay. Accessed April 18, In case you can't find a relevant example, summer is my favorite season essay, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match. Home Philosophy Behavior Human Behavior Human Activities. Academic anxiety? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task.
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Essay on Summer Season/Summer Season Essay in English Writing
, time: 8:02My Favorite Season - Free Essay Example |

Feb 28, · All these seasons have a distinct impact on our mood. My favorite season is the winter season. Let me tell you why. words Essay On My Favorite Season And Why. Frequent rains make the road muddy that causes a lot of irritation. The scorching heat in the summer season produces a lot of sweat. Winters gives relief from both these conditions Jul 23, · 10 Lines Essay on My Favourite Season ( - Words) 1) We have four seasons and I love the summer season. 2) Summer season is the hottest season that begins in March. 3) My birthday falls in summer that’s why I love this season. 4) Another thing that attracts me to this season is mangoes and Jun 18, · Why Summer is my Favorite Season. Summer, the smell of fresh-cut grass wafting through the air, the sound of the ice cream truck making its way through your neighborhood, or the sound of kids screaming, laughing, and jumping into the pool on a hot summer day. This is the only season you would see these things happening, and that what I
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