Jun 10, · The Possibility of Evil, a short story by Shirley Jackson focused on the odd behavior of Miss Strangeworth. Though Miss Strangeworth does not changed throughout the story, people just does not know how awful she is. As a lonely woman, Miss Strangeworth has written small notes filled with cruelty toward her towns folks throughout the story.5/5(1) This work, titled "The possibility of evil essay" was written and willingly shared by a fellow student. This sample can be utilized as a research and reference resource to aid in the writing of your own work. Any use of the work that does not include an appropriate citation is banned Mar 11, · “Possibility of Evil” written by Shirley Jackson, Ms. Strangeworth is a woman of great moral standing. Ms. Strangeworth believes the town is corrupted and Ms. Strangeworth wants to help cure it
The Possibility of Evil Essay Example For Students - words | Artscolumbia
Must contradictory personalities get the best of us? Miss Strangeworth has written small anonyms notes filled with cruel comments about toward her towns folks the possibility of evil essay the story. Miss Strangeworth enjoyed writing harsh letters to her neighbors, showing her jealous personality towards her neighbors. After thinking for a minute, although she had been phrasing the letter in the back of her mind all the way home, she wrote on a pink sheet with harsh words. She was pleased with the letter. I suppose Miss Strangeworth wrote this letter because deep down, the possibility of evil essay, she does not have a family and by letting this person feel terrible, it supposedly makes her feel better.
Maybe if Miss Strangeworth was a little more outgoing, she might find the things she wants in life. She selected a green sheet this time and wrote quickly with harsher words. Again, Miss Strangeworth wrote another nasty letter to one of her neighbors. This uncharacteristic behavior seems capable of deeply hurting people and it will certainly boomerang to her one day. Writing harsh letters to her neighbors were just one part to her entertainment, she also has an amusement of thinking of the people who are reading her letters. She had been writing her letters and sometimes two to three every day for a week, sometimes no more than one in a month for the past year.
As you can tell, she was practically obsessed by writing these negative letters. I think Miss Strangeworth has so many things that she desires, and the fact that she cannot acquire these desires makes her gloomy and discourteous. Miss Strangeworth awakened the next morning with a feeling of intense happiness and, for a minute wondered why, and then remembered that this morning three people would open their letters. Her enjoyment of this are harsh letters is upsetting to me because I think its just ridiculous and cruel.
Miss Strangeworth has gotten used to writing these letters, but instead of having a guilty conscience about this ridiculous activity, this hobby is giving her pleasure. This odd dire character from, The Possibility if Evil is jealous because she does not have what she want. This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. The Possibility of Evil Essay. Accessed April 18, Religious Notions of Evil and Moral Notions of Evil Are Not Mutually Exclusive. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match, the possibility of evil essay.
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The Possibility of Evil Essay Topics 1. Miss Strangeworth’s roses are frequently mentioned in this story: tourists remark on them, she has them arranged throughout her house, and she never gives them away. What do the roses mean to her, and why The Possibility of Evil, a short story by Shirley Jackson focused on the odd behavior of Miss Strangeworth. Though Miss Strangeworth does not changed throughout the story, people just does not know how awful she is. As a lonely woman, Miss Strangeworth has written small notes filled with cruelty toward her towns folks throughout the story Essay On Irony In The Lottery And The Possibility Of Evil Being turned on by people who you thought were your friends is a very tough feeling. In the short stories The Lottery, and The Possibility of Evil, Shirley Jackson writes about two female protagonists that get betrayed by their fellow townspeople
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